Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski Construction and Vocational Training School Complex in Konin
The history of the school
– the 1960s brought about a huge demand for both qualified builders and physical workers.
To respond to it, on 1 September 1963 the town’s authorities decided to establish
the Building School for working people. In the school year of 1963/64 as many as
130 students started their education to become bricklayers, plasterers, sanitary devices
or central heating fitters
– In the year 1965/66 the first grade graduated from the school
– In 1965 political and educational authorities decided to start the construction of school
facilities which were completed in June 1966
– The school, dormitory and playing field were to be built in the housing estate of Glinka
– The construction of the dormitory was finished in 1970 and in that very year,
the Night Technical Secondary School for working people was opened.
The education in this school lasted 3 years. The new facility housed 12 classrooms.
– On 29 September 1975 the decision to establish the Building Schools Complex
was announced.
– As a result, in 1987, the construction of a new building was completed.
In September the classes started
– Since September 1993, the school has been under the care of Board of Education
– On 16 June 2003, pursuant to the decision of the Town Council of Konin,
the school was named after Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski
Patron of the school
Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski earned his place in the Polish history. As a politician he had a vision to modernize and develop the Polish economy. He was a great manager, chemist and engineer. He was born in 1888 in Cracow and died there in 1974. He was a deputy prime minister, minister of treasury, industry and commerce in the period of the 2nd Republic of Poland. He worked a lot in order to rebuild Poland after WW I. Thanks to his ideas the harbor in Gdynia was built.
Our school appreciated such a brilliant figure and chose him as a school patron. He sets an example for our students as an open-minded person, full of amazing ideas.
Our school offers education in various areas:
Technical Secondary School
– Landscape Planning Technician
– Building Technician
– Hotel Industry Technician
– Logistics Technician
– Catering Technician
– Geodetic Technician
Vocational School
– Motor Vehicle Mechanic
– Sanitary Devices Fitter
– Bricklayer
– Carpenter
– Locksmith
– Cook
– Construction Finishing Works Technologist
Currently, the school has 1064 students in 39 classes
The teaching staff includes 92 teachers – 67 working full time and 25 part time
Certified teachers -30
Nominated teachers -22
Contract teachers -36
Trainee teachers -4
Vocational Training
Landscape Planning Technician
The students specializing in Landscape Planning draw up designs, prepare models, and put them to practice. The best example of their efforts is our nicely tended school garden. This type of education develops in particular artistic skills and the use of imagination, so important for the creation of the students’ own visions.
Building Technician
Students prepare building documentation, model building structures and put their theory to use during training courses. They also take part in building fairs, to get to know new technologies in construction. They also gain abilities to make cost estimates, building calculations, and analyze graphic documentation.
Hotel Industry Technician
Students are trained in an especially designed classroom equipped with a professional reception desk and an apartment with a bathroom. This hotel classroom fits the standards of a three-star hotel. Through role plays the students learn the rules of check-in and check-out as well as solving different conflicts. The Hotel Industry school provides education in the most dominant branch of economy, i.e. tourism and hotel industry.
Catering Technician and Cook
Our school is equipped with a catering facility classroom which is used as Exam Center during official examinations for students. Here our students learn how to prepare sophisticated dishes. After graduation our former students often run their own catering business.
Our students are required to wear uniforms during their training, we often hold grade-wide contests for the best occasional or Christmas tables.
We provide service during various events, for instance we catered for 240 people in The State School of Higher Vocational Education (PWSZ) or Patron’s day.
Road Building Technician
Students learn how to organize, supervise and draw up road and bridge documentation. This profession guarantees work for many years, all we know how badly we need motorways…
Geodetic Technician
The students gain knowledge and practical skills in the field of spatial planning through gathering data necessary to make different maps.
Logistics Technician
This specialization is a response to the new developments in market economy. The students have to master the process of planning, control over the effective flow of raw materials, finished goods, etc…
Students learn to use specialist software, create databases, process information. In our school, we have 5 multimedia classrooms funded by a European Union project.
Vocational School
Students undergo practical training in local companies as juvenile workers. They also can gain and develop their abilities in the Training Center near our school. The students spend 3 days learning at school and 2 days on practical training. They go to school for 3 years, with the exception of Cookery students, who study for 2 years.
School life:
But it is not all work, our students also play. Every year we celebrate our Patron’s day, Builders’ day, Hotelier and Caterer day, days of English and German cultures, Entrepreneurship day, Papal day. We also take part in the ‘Battle of Schools’.
Our students get good results in sport, they have won a lot of medals in different sport disciplines.
Means to boost our students’ commitment
We consider the cooperation with companies to be a very important element in education and professional training. Shows, lectures and trainings courses are valuable sources of information about new trends on the job market.
Culinary workshops conducted by the courtesy of the Atelier Company have become a tradition of our school. The workshops make a significant impression on the participants and are later analyzed during classes.
At school, a course in fork-lift truck operation is also organized. Its costs are partially refund by the Job Center.
Students who train in CKP also have an opportunity to gain additional qualifications by attending the welding course.
In our school, we also have SZOK, which stands for the School Career Center where qualified career counselors advise students on their further education, implement the career information system, help lower and upper secondary school students, provide information about various, professions, the job market and schools.
Opracowała i tłumaczyła
Ewa Jarzyńska